Pamoja means ‘Together’ in Swahili. We empower women through weekly sessions which encourage creativity, English language practice, confidence building and friendship. The women’s group meet every Friday to share skills, raise aspirations and boost self-esteem through a variety of activities: Zumba, dance, music, art, pottery, yoga, confidence boosting and stress reduction sessions, trips to the coast and London, guided walks around Nottingham – all chosen by the women themselves.
To stay connected, a WhatsApp Chat group connects around 100 women who can enjoy online activities and conversations. Women who had previously not been engaging with the group due to living far away or having childcare commitments can stay in touch virtually.
I am full of confidence since joining this group. Thank you, you made my day such a lovely day – it’s my new favourite place.
“Today’s session was impressive and educative. I can now cut down sugar in my cereals. Thanks so much Ginny and Hannah for the session. We want more sessions in the nearest future.”