Our Trustees

Graham Bell

Graham is the Chair of the Audit and Governance committee at Transport for the North, the country’s first sub-national transport body. He also sits on the Trustee Board at the Frank Field Education Trust (FFET), a multi-academy trust with a strong commitment to social justice.

He has a strong risk and assurance background and has over 35 years’ international experience, the majority of which has been within regulated environments, including transport, energy, and financial services.

Sam Crawford

Sam is the Chief Financial Officer of Notts County Foundation and has 20 years of experience when it comes to empowering vulnerable communities in Nottinghamshire.

Graham Ferris

Graham used to teach law at NTU. He is happy to support the work of the Forum, by being part of the team that oversees the organisational and formal structures that enable the great staff and volunteers to carry out their work.

Helen O’Nions

Formerly an Associate Professor of Law at Nottingham Trent University, Helen has been on our board of trustees since 2019. She has a keen interest in minorities, exclusion and human rights.

Allan Njanji

Allan is passionate about refugee issues, and strives to find pragmatic solutions which empower refugees and asylum seekers to become independent.

Caroline Mombeyara

Caroline is an accounting professional with lived experience and is passionate about helping people in need to advance their lives and influencing strategic business decisions.

Darren York

Darren is a former charity Chief Executive with over 25 years’ experience in the sector. He became a Trustee of the Forum in November 2020.

Fiona Becker

Fiona is a registered social worker currently working as a consultant in child safeguarding. She is passionate about helping children and their families who are in need.  She became a trustee in 2023.

Heidi Richardson

Heidi is a long-term supporter of the Forum, and volunteers as an ESOL teacher.

Jenny Rose-Myers

Jenny is an experienced social worker, facilitator, and organisational consultant with over 40 years experience of safeguarding. She has worked across numerous sectors, chairing Boards,  undertaking case audits, investigations, policy development and serious safeguarding and other case and learning reviews. Specialising in expertise around exploitation and child protection both in the UK and internationally with NGOs.

Paddy Tipping

Paddy is a qualified social and community worker. He was the MP for Sherwood from 1992 to 2010, and served as Nottingham’s first Police and Crime Commissioner between 2012 and 2021. He became a trustee of Nottingham Refugee Forum in 2023.